Students who audition for AMIS festivals must be in good standing with the
music department of the school they attend. Where possible, they should
be members of the relevant performing ensembles. Students who move out of the international
school community they may not audition as an individual. Students who audition
for and are accepted as members of an AMIS Festival Ensemble who change school
before the event may still participate providing they are accompanied to
the festival by a parent or legal guardian who guarantees their level of
for the festival. A student moving to another school participating in that
festival will become a member of that school's party.
September, 2004
As a benefit of AMIS membership priority will be given to member schools
applying for Middle School Honor Choir Festivals. Any remaining places
will be allocated
to non-member schools. AMIS member schools that are wait listed for a particular
festival and are not admitted for participation shall be given first option
to participate the following year. A school that is drawn for participation
subsequently withdraws from the festival is not wait listed.
September, 2004
A director who submits students for audition or enrolment does so with the understanding that he or she will be responsible for all local arrangements for participation, including but not limited to musical preparation, travel arrangements, fee payments, and communication with the executive consultant and the parent community.
A student may not participate in any festival unless accompanied by his
or her director. If the director is unable to attend the festival, the
student's school will inform the Executive Consultant of the approved substitute
September, 2003
When housing festival participants with host families, it is often possible
to place two or more students with the same family. However, students
and their parents should be aware that this is not always possible, as
families have room for only one guest . Members of the Festival accept that
staying with host families in other parts of the world is an important part
of the
a major part of the total festival experience in which they are to participate.
amended September 2005
Acceptance Agreement - This form is to be duplicated for
all students accepted into an AMIS Festival and must be signed by them
and their parents. This form is not to be sent to AMIS headquarters!
It must be brought to the Festival and be submitted at registration.
September 2005
All participating schools in a festival must make travel arrangements
that permit all participants to be on time for the first event of that festival.
September 2005